Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Privecy and Confidentiality

In this post, discuss how the issues of privacy and confidentiality are related to new media.

With the rapid growth of new media along came the problem of privacy and confidentiality. Very often the Internet users disclose and share their information on different networking websites being very careless. Very often we rely on privacy setting that all websites have but that is not enough for keeping our information save online. It is well known that what is posted online will stay there.

Our online accounts can be hacked and used by a third party. It will not necessarily harm you: many companies want our information just for their marketing purposes. On the other hand, those hackers who have a negative intent of using your credit card information may cost you a very high price.

No privacy setting can ever protect our information online. The only way to secure it to limit what you are disclosing about yourselves, use credit cards instead of debit cards online, constantly change passwords, and etc. Even all these precautions will not guarantee a complete safety of our online information but they will significantly lower the possibility of somebody breaking into your account.



  1. Totally agree with you because these days, people disclose to much information on the social networking sites with out thoughtful thinkings.
    However, as you said, we should be always mindful in disclosing our information.

  2. yes, i believe that The Internet users should not rely solely on the private setting of social networking websites. People can maintain their own privacy settings by disclosing less information online.

  3. Yes you are right no setting on internet can protect our privacy and information, but there are many options to reduce our privacy to be seen in public.
