Monday, March 11, 2013

Blog About Twitter

Twitter is famous for its "limitless". The number of characters that can be used to create a twit is 140. That makes Twitter users deliver their messages as clear as possible. Sometimes it is very difficult to express an idea in a single phrase but that is what makes Twitter so appealing; it is less time consuming,  very mobile, and concrete.
BlackBoard discussions require more thinking and details. Twits are mostly used to catch somebodies attention but on Blackboard any topic has to be expended in order to let readers know what the idea of the discussion is, your opinion on it.   BlackBoard discussions are more dynamic but engage a limited number of participants - students and professors. It also takes much longer to view posts on the Board , which are bigger than twits. Twitter, on the other hand, is available to anybody and discussions can be supported by different people with a large variety of interests.
An in-class discussion is completely opposite to those on Twitter. People do not twit in reality, we do not speak short sentences, we don not just throw a phrase out there and wait for it to be followed. An in-class discussion is a constant interaction of students and professors. In order to deliver an idea a student or a professor has to introduce a topic, engage his/her listeners, explain the main concepts of it. Such discussions are always followed by feedbacks of the others, which creates an on-going conversation.

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